1. Stereotypical britbong with an obscene love for Harry and Meghan
2. A person with a tiny skull and medium sized brain
3. The biggest boomer you know
Droolio: Did you see the Oprah interview with Harry and Megan. It was soo good, I loved it.

Nakia: Sigh...whatever you say brainful
by Brainful March 23, 2021
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if this girl doesn't give me brians 2nite im dropin her.
by carly January 26, 2003
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the art of grasping the top of your ballsack and squeezing the testes outwards until your little friends resemble a brain.
I cant believe Bobby gave you the brain last night, disgusting!
by chuckles09 May 30, 2007
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the grabbing around the top of a mans balls, creating two lumps, thus "the brain"
I was going to eat that 3 bean soup, until Nick gave me the brain.
by NickX901 April 18, 2006
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Someone so clueless, stupid, or oblivious that you are certain they have nothing between their ears.
I can't believe Jon can't use a tape measure. What a no brain.
by theidgasking March 23, 2014
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A super-smart talking mouse from cartoon animaniacs.

Do they still make that show? I haven't seen it on TV in the last seven years.
Pinky and the brain, Pinky and the brain, one is a genius, the others' insane!
by Gumba Gumba April 8, 2004
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