1. Dude, Lateralus by Tool totally rocked my socks.
2. The new episode of Reno 911! rocked my socks!
by Mick October 23, 2003
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Used to describe the event that just took place of hooking up at a party, or in the front of a pickup, and using your socks to clean up the mess. You then continue to party sockless.
Hey man we thought you left the party

No, I'm just cleaning my socks.

by Jordan "PIHB" Craig April 21, 2008
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hide the dugs foo youknow hwat im, saiinig like yoa jnow fo shoo hide the sfrug drug i milly roxjk on any blochj,,dfrggn
MOm bitch: you got an a on your test jimmy!
Real homie: hide it in my sock
by we LOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOve bet March 26, 2019
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An extremely overused phrase meaning Oh my God that is so totally awesome! This phrase goes along with the trend of being a 'little girl' with hair bows and hello kitty accessories who says cute little things that are so geeky they are adorable. I hope nobody says it anymore or else they need to die!
Haha, oh my God I know Disney movies are so awesome they rocks my socks! Haha I know I'm so geeky, except no I'm not, I don't even like Disney movies but the cool thing is to act like I don't care what anyone else thinks, I'm gonna like stuff that isn't cool.
by Angelacia May 27, 2007
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Guy 1: You know the answer?
Guy 2: I dont know man. I got sharpies in my socks.
by samsonuwan May 11, 2021
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