The worst thing that humanity has ever conceived. Jesus crucified himself after seeing the monstrosity. May death be summoned upon everyone who sees the baby. It is the embodiment of pure evil and deserves to be tortured until the last breath of it is swept away. Satan cowers in fear after it was summoned to earth
John:Jesus!! Are you okay after seeing Satan

Jesus:nay? Oh how I saw something worse

John:what is worse than the master of hell ?
Jesus:the ice age baby
John:(chokes on his own blood dew to the evilness of the words)
by Joe/mama February 22, 2020
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The most hated being known to man kind, yet noone knows why they hate them...
Person 1: you know ice age baby?
Person 2: yeah I hate that dude
Person 1: why do you hate him?
Person 2:um... I don't know...
by Bobbythemotorizedvehicle February 29, 2020
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A little shit who needs to die. The fucker should have died with his bts looking self. I just want to rip of his arms and shove one of them up his ass and beat him with the other. He is the founder of racism and started the holocaust. I want to waterboard him with his own blood and piss while cutting his scalp off slowly. He is the spawn of satan and needs to be killed slowly
Is that the Ice Age Baby, look at his ugly face. I gust want to kill him so badly.
by Supreme PP Man February 24, 2020
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a person to be imprisoned for all eternity he is a rapist he is racist he is homophobic he is a bigot he is a terrorist he is the person in china that ate a bat he's been real quiet since covid 19 started not enough evidence he has a tiny peen and he dresses like a potato sack
who is the most devious dictator in all of the ice age
ice age baby
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A creepy cgi baby from the movie ice age. He has become a viral meme, and is trying to be stopped by the baby today fans.
Guy#1: you see that baby? That’s Ice Age baby
Guy#2: yeah, the baby today fans are trying to stop the memes.
by Haudi🤠 February 22, 2020
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the worst child ever conceived on this planet, kill ice age baby
1: I hate ice age baby
2: me too, let’s kill him with an axe
by yeehaw69iceage February 27, 2020
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