1. (British slang, esp. Asian, i.e. Indian, Pakistani, etc.)

Contraction of "isn't it", "isn't he/she", "aren't they", "isn't there" and many other end-of-sentence questions. For greatest effect use in places where it would make no sense whatsoever if expanded.

2. General positive exclamation meaning "yes, I agree!"
1. "Hey dere's some pigs in dat cop car over there innit?"
"Yo look at my new car innit!"

2. Raj: "Da Matrix is to'ally cool!"
Nisha: "Innit!"
by hux May 23, 2003
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bro. clingyanti is an inniter.
by clingyanti March 13, 2021
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A {British}-slang word

It is a shorten version of "isn't it","is it",right/ok" and "is it?"
It is mostly used to ask a question that you already answered

It also can be used as a way of agreeing with your self

Note:It is usually used at a end of a sentance
Simon: I'm safe innit(Agreeing with self) bruv
Kyle:That's just not true innit(Asking a already answered question)
by JoerganMourner69 September 12, 2019
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A derivative of "is it not", or more directly "isn't it". Often used at the end of a statement or word to give it emphasis, and simultaneously invite agreement.
"cool, innit"
by Rambo August 21, 2003
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English word meaning: "Isn't it?" or "Is it not?"
EX when someone is asking if they are in something

"I think I'm in it, innit"?
by Zoomage November 8, 2016
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