n. horrible porno. A porn flick that is so bad or obviously fake that you immediately lose any sexual arousal you had before watching it.
Jake: Dude, i was watching this porn video the other day, and everything was going okay until this fat chick came out and stripped. To make it worse, it turned out she wasn't a chick.

Tom: That bad?

Jake: Yeah, it was a total horno
by whitecurse15 August 23, 2009
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The insasionable craving or need for something that involves either whores or porno...
Damn it, Horno Horno Horno
by Jay January 19, 2005
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The absolute worst fucking shithole to be in. Literally stands for some native word meaning Devil's Asshole or something like that. Its summer, and it hits 120 degrees here even though you're 2 miles off the beach. Come fucking winter and you'll be lucky if your balls don't stick to your frozen popsicle of a dick.

All the barracks here are run down with asbestos and black widows, and if you're lucky enough to get put in the Taj Mahal or the Hilton, your elevators don't work and you live on the 4th floor in the back.

The chow hall here serves fried chicken, raw. How the fuck that happens, nobody knows, but the chowtards make it happen. The ice cream machine is broken more often than a McDonalds and you'll be lucky if there are more windows open than a Walmart check out.
"Hey bro, I'm getting stationed at Camp Horno with 1st Marine Division."

-"Dude you're fucked. That place is in the middle of fucking nowhere with a side of medical discharge by suicidal thoughts"
by ShmeatFinger May 1, 2020
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A mysterious stranger who laughs when being diss. A guy that likes to stand in the background hoping to bud in at the right moment, usually the wrong moment. A guy of unknown origins, derived from an exotic plant in the system Exotica. Avoid any type of contact at all cost, or you would contract an infectious eye-gouging disease known as Horno Johno, In your momemnt of blindless he will take you to his lair and keep you there as his slave for all eternity.
Check under the bed before you sleep, for any sign of the Horno Johno, who enjoys to lurk around under people's dusty old beds in hopes to find some dirty secrets that no one should know. aka undies and bras, which also serves as part of his nutritional diet.
by Jal Ma Heir January 11, 2004
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1) adj: To become horny after viewing or hosting porn.

2) noun: (A) horno-porno is an act of sex that is influenced or caused by porn.
(horno) see horny
(porno) see porn
1)After James saw some dirty pics on snapchat, he went horno-porno and dreamed of making out with his future wife.
2) Jered: "Hey Colbert! Did you see that girl's sexy dance last night?"

Colbert: "Yeah, Man. She did that after seeing me break it down. It was a total horno-porno.
by Nc'sM3 October 30, 2014
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noun; spanglish combo with direct translation of "porn in the oven"
"Hey Jorge, you got any porno al horno around?"
"Shiet ese dont say that shit around me madre"
by ponno July 11, 2004
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