an exclamation used when someone is showing entirely to much cleavage.
girl with a low cut shirt walks up
by xelA13 September 4, 2008
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holy hell batman, where am i and were is my pants
by etyetnthnthn August 5, 2010
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Holy Balls Batman. a word generally used when something is completely stupid, idiotic, or just simply crazy. Others might also use it with sarcasm.
"Holy Balls Batman, Are you stupid!?"

"That was a Holy Balls Batman stunt!"
by King-G January 8, 2012
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The more polite, reference using version of "Holy Shit." Rather than Holy Shit, it uses Holy Shitakii Batman, Shitakii an asian mushroom, Batman, a widely-popular DC Comics character.
Holy Shitakii Batman, I think I just shat my pants.
by Awkward Strider January 22, 2013
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explative: the realization that something is astonishing and/or traumatic; something that needs fixing ASAP
Holy crapbag Batman! I left my cell phone in the cab :-(
by Diane Love October 18, 2007
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Used to show suprise, fear, pain, or pretty much anything else, based on Robin's obscure exclamations in the 1960's Batman tv show.
"Holy Insemination Batman, I just broke my legs!"
by Artemis Depthcharge May 25, 2005
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Interjection, similar to holy cow!

From the classic, campy Batman: The Movie starring Adam West. Robin (Burt Ward) had a habit of making strange exclamations (Holy Polaris, Holy Sardine, Holy Captain Nemo... you get the idea.

At one point in the movie, Batman is attacked by--you guessed it--an inflatable shark, against which he must defend himself whilst the faithful Robin runs to get the shark-repellent bat spray.

Should be exclaimed loudly and dramatically, for maximum campy effect.
Holy inflatable shark, Batman! Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.
by Lady Chevalier June 10, 2005
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