Sexy ass actor who is so hot a straight man turns gay and a gay lady turns straight.
Guy: Have you seen Chris Hemsworth
Girl: He is soo hot
by Liz-is-funny February 13, 2019
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A handsome, charming, hunky and a hardworking actor. He's from Australia and the middle child (and the most successful) of the three Hemsworth brothers. He has performed in various famous movies like Thor/2, The Avengers/2 and Rush.
Man, Kevin looks Chris Hemsworth after he hit the gym.
by MarvelDCFanboy May 12, 2015
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the hemsworth brother nobody's heard of
brother of chris (aka thor) and liam (aka miley's ex)
Girl 1: Wait, there are THREE hemsworth brothers?
Girl 2: Yeah but no one knows luke hemsworth
by the other hemsworth November 17, 2013
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A popular actor seen in Thor, The Avengers, and Snow White and the Huntsman. He is the attractive Hemsworth brother, mainly because he is cute, charming, and not a douche (unlike his brother Liam Hemsworth).
Me: Siiiiiiigh....
Sis: You thinking about Chris Hemsworth again?
Me: Duh.
Sis: At least it's not Liam Hemsworth. He's so fugly and douche-y.
Me: Uh, yeah. Gross.
by teeheechrishemsworth February 13, 2013
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The actor who should've played Gale Hawthorne in the movie adaptation if The Hunger Games.
Liam Hemsworth is better than and more hot than Josh Hutcherson. The casting director for The Hunger Games was obviously an idiot.
by lolzzzzbish February 26, 2013
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