1. combination of the words, gnarly, nice, awesome, and fantastic.
2. refers to anything mind blowing at any given moment. {that is-> gnarly, nice, awesome, and fantastic}
"Whoaaa broahs, that sesh was totallly gnostic!"

"Word mang...the powpow is seriously gnostic!"

"Mom, these eggs are fuggin gnostic!"

by Holly Bush aka Juana Anarchy November 12, 2006
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opposite of agnostic, having spiritual knowledge. A small Group of Christians claimed to be Gnostics, its pretty much died out since then
by GnosticAgnostic September 5, 2003
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A gnostic atheist is someone who knows that things like god and whatnot are real. It has nothing to do with actual gnosticism, as that would be an oxymoron. The term "gnostic" in this sense just means that they know. This would differ from the term "agnostic", as an agnostic atheist would just believe there is no god, but would make no claim that we could know if god existed or not. A regular atheist would be someone who doesn't claim to know if god doesn't or does exist, they would just not believe.
I can call myself a gnostic atheist, as I can say for certain that things like ghosts and the like do not exist.
by Kelmeer23 September 9, 2022
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A type of christianity that does not go by the new testament but by the ancient gnostic writings many of which make up it's bible.

One group of them uses the gospel of Mary which has christ saying that there is no such thing as sin.
by Deep blue 2012 January 11, 2010
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