Something which looks frumpy or was created with questionable taste or design. A lava-lamp or jelly bean-like appearance, for example.
The Pontiac Aztek, Kirstie Alley or anything possessing general lumpiness or quirks defines gloopy.
by Fred Mc. Taurus December 11, 2009
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ugh I hate my cat, my eyes are so gloopy!
by linuxgeex June 19, 2014
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The under cooked form of a chocolate-chip cookie, while solid it is still weak in structure
These Gloopies are good
by DaBigVT January 24, 2005
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Excretion that is neither Diarreah or solid.


An expression for the ass of which the above comes from.
"That is one gloopy poopy"


Keith - "why is Karen running to the toilet"

Gerald "Oh she has a Gloopy Poopy
by JLE123 November 12, 2018
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When someone is so Hollywood everyone else seems inferior by comparison
I wish I was as gloopy as him.
by Anonymous April 16, 2003
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When you are wiping your ass, and you get shit on your finger(s) accidentally.
Trying to wipe off the hanging chad resulted in a vicious gloopy sampson.

It is inadvisable to take a shit in a moving motorhome; you may get a gloopy sampson.
by Mag1ci4n December 19, 2007
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Fat piece of fucking garbage who is a lazy gloopy slob and doesn't do anything around apart from eating.
I know a fat guy named Dylan, he's a gloopy bear.
by Dirty_sock__ October 31, 2023
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