The uniquely smelling fart that came from an ass that has cum fermenting inside of it.
The hike in the Alps was daunting but was made especially trying by Alex's cum farts

Those yogurt packages are so yummy but they give me the cum farts
by 123 Fake Boner October 14, 2009
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When a man busts while doing anal and they proceed to fart out the nut.
Me: Your mom gave the biggest cum fart last night.
by CloacaCrusher69 April 30, 2021
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A stinky fart you get caused by cum you got in your ass via anal sex. Unless your some weird fucker who enjoys sticking syringe tubes up your ass with random peoples cum... in which in case; have fun with that!
*Lets out a wet sounding fart.*
"Dude I think you gave me the cum farts."
by Stonerman420 November 5, 2015
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A sexual encounter, usually a gay man, who had just been cummed in, than sharts out their partners cum.
Dude last night i cum-farted with my cousin, cuz im REDNECK!
by bobby the nigger April 28, 2012
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As described in the podcast Comedy Bang Bang, when an individual who collects cum in his anal cavity is then asked by his girlfriend to impregnate her, he uses a Cum Fart, ie. farting the cum into the girlfriend pussy.
Her: Honey is about time for us to start a family.
Him: Open wide, the cum fart is a-cumming!
by Beaver Pelt Collector March 5, 2012
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when the male tries to delay an orgasm, and does not realize that he is also retaining some back-gas... When he finally reaches an orgasm, a series of farts and ejaculations become released simultaneously.
Example one: cum fart: did u hear about the time Myra was fornicating with Kenny when he suddenly came and farted at the same time,

Exapmle Two: Damn, I just came and farted at the same time. I swea, that never happened before' That was some serious cumfart!!
by bubble fish July 7, 2013
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To Squeeze Skeet Skeet out of a Ass or VAg
Guy: Dude shes such a Cum Whore she made the loudest Cum Fart ever

Guy: No Way!
by IDIDURMOMSBUTT January 13, 2010
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