A person who plants "seeds" via acts or comments with other people in order to harvest a relationship in the future.
Terrence has been a total Farmer John with Kate, he has been planning that for over a year.

Terrence has been totally Farmer Johning Kate since she first arrived.
by Aptaphobic March 23, 2014
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An act where a male dips his moist testicles into a bucket of salt. The male then climbs up onto a cattle fence with his testicles free for all the world to see. He then proceeds to call over the cattle which have quite the liking for salt. Whilst the bovine is licking the man's testicles like a melting ice cream cone, the male proceeds to thrust his penis repeatedly into the nostril of the cow until climax.
Old man Smitha was always sure to have at least one sick cow with a runny nose to prevent chaffage during his daily performance of the farmer John salt lick.
by Kenneth Fister July 14, 2010
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Highly respected womanizer

Rips for days and never gets caught
Rios in class and no one suspects a thing
Did u see farmer john in class rippin he’s such s retard
by Porta john February 15, 2019
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a guy that's poor but has great morals and makes money by farming (by use of child labor) and selling drugs
that guy is john farmer.
by quaner January 4, 2022
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