A guy named Hector who can a get a girl's clit erect within a 500 foot radius.
Guy: Damn that Hector the erector. He gets all the girls.Must be the tongue rolling thing. But Atleast, I got you right babe.

Girl(bitting her teeth): Wait for me Hector!
by El mejor de la vida January 30, 2009
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Somone who still gets an erection from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 trailers and already has both games.
Dude 1: "Dude, this Mass Effect 2 trailer gets me so pumped!"

Dude 2:"But don't you already have it?"

Dude 1:"So?"

Dude 2:"Man, you are such a Mass Erector."
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When you have an Erection when you see a pig, piglet, nigger, nigglet, or an old person.
*At grandpas farm*.....

Dad: Why do you have an erection?
Me: I just saw a black pig...
Dad: So you are suffering from an erectoral porkulation?
by BooBoo1123 January 12, 2012
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A method originally developed by Sizzle, in which a pillow is used to hide an erection, during a movie or at another unacceptable time.
Woah, that's hot, I better get out my erector protector.
by T-DUBB 1991 October 10, 2007
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another term used to describe the scale by which hot women are measured. The scale ranges from 1 to 10 and women are given higher numbers depending on thier ability to induce an erectile response in males merely by being in the room.
Bro 1: "dude check out that chick, she scores at least a nine on the erector scale!"

Bro 2: "Gross dude, she's barely a five."
by anni non December 13, 2010
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I don't care if she wants to impose a Nazi regime, she still has my erectoral vote.
by plukkert April 17, 2009
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something used to cause a massive boner
im horny, let me go get my erector set
by condom head October 11, 2003
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