early 17th century Latin term : " transferred as property " A commerce/trade term concerning the children of Israel coming out of what is known as chattel slavery 1865 in North America .The chains removed but the physical, psychological and spiritual bondage remains till present day simply ....... transferring the Israelites from their individual masters & plantation owners form of captivity and incarceration, to the United States government's duress and confinement system .( Psalms 55:21)
• The word Emancipate is most commonly misunderstood and misused for the words Manumission or Freedom.
The word emancipate is most commonly mistaken or misused for "manumission" or "freedom".
by Onias Ben israel July 15, 2019
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e·man·ci·pants ih-man-suh-pants
not constrained or restricted by pants.
freed, as from wearing pants or society's belief that clothes are necessary.
Slave: "Sir, you are not wearing any pants..."

Julius Caeser: "no, slave, I have freed myself from the tyrannous restrictions of my pants"

Slave: "You have emancipated yourself from your pants sir?"

Julius Caeser: "Yes. Emancipants. Now go do the washing up"
by boltanator October 9, 2011
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(v): To be extremely intoxicated; Drunk off your ass
See also: trashed, wasted, inebriated
"Yo did you see James passed out naked in the shower last night after drinking the jungle juice?"

"Yeah man he was fucking emancipated."
by Louis Redding November 24, 2013
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1. to free from restraint, influence, or like that.

2. to free (a slave) from bondage.

3. Roman and Civil Law. to terminate paternal control over.
Kristauff: Girl you need to emancipate yourself, okrr!
Savvy: I don't know what emancipate means?
Kristauff: It means to gain your freedom like the black people.
Savvy: Oh okay. I get it, I get it!
by SavvyDior August 17, 2012
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To punch someone hard in the face when asked to.
Jimmy, emancipate him! (Jimmy then punches the individual needing emancipation)
by Resnet Lincoln October 6, 2010
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To do the dirty, with a dirty intent.
I went to the doctor, because I had a problem Emancipating.
by Gundy Gunderson November 17, 2008
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