Oh no! Mafia Wars is ETB and so is FarmVille!
by holin October 22, 2009
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Exclusive Talented Bitches. These girls are super good at everything, pretty, and form exclusive cliques. They are really good at singing and acting and know it. Watch out, they can, and will steal the show. Can often be found singing exclusive songs in public places with weird harmonies, bitchily and talentedly. Often have very strange inside jokes and like British television and are obsessed with tumblr. However, they are nice to others outside their clique, and they accept their name anyways.
<3 ETB foevah.

BORED. Should we go listen to the ETBs? They are sitting at their own table.
by The CDC July 24, 2012
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Estimated Time of Beer

The estimated time for one person to get from point A to point B, point B being a bar.
Hey Freax, what's your ETB?

Should be there by 8pm, loads of work before.
by Sop75 January 12, 2018
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Racist Guy: ETB
by OnlyCuong&&Aitek October 26, 2009
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ETB is an abbreviation for "East side trap boyz" they're one of the scariest gangs from the slums of Sault Ste Marie.
"Yo, did you just see those kids on their bikes"?

"yeah yo it was ETB"
by jordan attoni November 29, 2018
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Mtg abbreviation for Enters The Battlefield. Usually used to refer to triggered abilities that trigger "whenever x enters the battlefield".
Player1: I vial in Flickerwisp at EOT and with the ETB I exile that 6/6 hoe until next end step, on my turn, untap and smack you upside the head for exactly lethal.
Player2: Go fuck yourself, not playing against death and taxes again.
by DeusVult1096 July 15, 2020
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