A button you can click if you disagree with the information or disliked something. It can also give you the temptaion to dislike when you liked it because so many people disliked or downvoted it.
I hate your video, Downvote!
by I am the OWO December 22, 2019
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v. What is to be done when someone disagrees with you.
n. A thing left on a post or comment when downvoted.
Redditor: They were (sobs) T-th-they were expressing right-wing values... (offended) and I downvoted them! Ha! Take that downvote! Boooo! Boooo!
by typologer August 8, 2020
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To vote as negatively as possible on something simply to offset its vote average.
A good example of downvote would be to give this definition a thumbs down, even though it's perfectly legit.
by Douglas Young October 29, 2007
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The point where the amount of downvotes on a post are irreversible.
The post i made got -50! I'm too obscure to be in downvote hell!
by JonyBoi May 9, 2016
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No matter how funny, good, intelligent or rare a video/picture/post is, there will always be someone disliking it, and if it's only for the sake of preventing a 'perfect' voting. Also, downvotes arise from jealousy, hate or any other form of secret respect.
person 1: dude check out this video, its a child doing a backflip while making pancakes on the back of an elephant.

person 2: wow thats incredible. *obligatory downvote*

person 1: i cant believe there is actually nobody that dislikes this newsfeed. well, its about a migrated disabled kid that survived cancer and the war.

person 2: *obligatory downvote*
by sbstr May 28, 2011
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Someone in a thread who downvotes every comment they don’t like.
r/billydeez123 didn’t like most comments he saw and went on a downvote crusade.
by SkyAir April 19, 2021
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A person who just downvotes every definition they see, regardless of the quality.
Wow, this definition is so insightful and only has 700 thumbs up.


by Joyu December 24, 2010
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