Someone who is either stupid or who's actions are that of stupidity (used affectionately)
by Vrandoodle March 24, 2010
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A dingus can mean anything, but usually is used to describe dumb people or genitalia.

Dingus also is used if you forgot a word. (just say "the dingus" instead)

An exclamation to show distaste;
That guy is a dingus
That guy has a dingus.
Give me the dingus
by Ninjafisher03 February 4, 2015
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A insult that you can call anyone and either offend of confuse them.
by TheSamster December 3, 2016
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A cross between a dringle and a dangus; A generally silly person.
by Bae-nana June 4, 2015
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Dingus is a word to define a human or an animal as stupid or as low IQ
Bro Alex is such a dingus, Yeah I know right
by FranklyRabbit April 15, 2021
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Dingus is a term when someone is either dumb, ugly, sexy, or smart. Also if you're weirdly into a guy that starts with a letter G.
John: "Yo you're kind of a dingus today"
Juwon: "What"
by tophu_01 August 14, 2021
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Someone who is incredibly dumb.
Ex: Alyssa is such a dingus 🙄
by Mr. MVP November 18, 2021
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