-Chick who lives in East County of southern California.

-Hella annoying.
-Hella skanky.
A Desert Rat's clothing generally consists of Ugg boots, micro-mini skirts, and a cleavage-baring tank top. Bear claw acrylic nails, fake blonde hair with extensions, inflated boobs, and makeup you need to remove with a pressure washer is a must.
Lord knows why they wear Uggs. One, they're fugly. And two, they live in southern fucking California where the weather is ALMOST always warm.
by ShelBelle October 20, 2009
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A person growing up in Phoenix Arizona. One real mother fucker and employs use of non compliance globalism. Often found digging in dumpsters for shit. A Desert Rat is also street smart but not in a gang sense. Often refers to people from California as fake posers and not real desert children.
man, that guy is so cool! he is a real desert rat! he makes us look like faggots.
by Desertrat February 13, 2015
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Sheesh! Get a load of all those desert rats on the newsreel!
by Steviedee January 16, 2004
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A desert rat is somebody usually from the LA area that goes to raves in the desert. These people may begin this lifestyle as normal people, but soon become clones of each other. They do a wide variety of psychedelic and empathogenic drugs, and often profess their love for colors and life on Instagram and other social media. The desert rat takes on the persons of the 1960s hippie, but without the world views and political beliefs that helped build the hippie culture. To simplify, picture the body and persona of a hippie fused with the materialism and fakeness of a 21st century SoCal raver, and you have the desert rat.
The desert rat kept gushing over how far away from society their last event was, yet the whole time everyone was on their phones posting pictures to social media in order to obtain likes.
by Russell Eastbrook August 10, 2014
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Noun.A girl who grew up in the desert,
Who doesn’t have a formal education.
Comes from a dysfunctional family/life.

Who sleeps around or has, for money and drugs. is a methhead or with one.

Who neither mootchhas a job or wants to get one, because getting by has become The norm. IE. most people from the desert think it is fine, because everyone eventually dumpster dives dumpster diver. And know the times to go.

May be really hot, but always has something messed up about them.

anyone who lives/grew up in the desert, and therefore, by association, is/was a hick.
A really derogatory thing to say to someone.
“Wow,look at her!...careful, she’s a desert rat!”
That bitch is a desert rat, watch her.!
by Hurtzdontit September 9, 2018
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Someone who rides the dunes, the flats, etc. Will generally require a fuel powered motor vehicle, to include gas scooters lol.
Wanna hit Glamis again?

Oh sure, I’m a real desert rat

We’re heading to el mirage

“May I join? I’m just a desert rat”
by POGs are gay November 1, 2021
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