A short person with a big with a big butt, who likes to have pirate fights with Scooter in his jungle. They also like eating chicken while looking at flowers and playing Halo 5. They bake good cakes and annoy Lulu. MAKE GOOD WIVES.
(Only cool people are derks)
I'm a derk, you're a derk, we're all derks.
by MariaDerk and KatieDerk April 13, 2013
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A word mixing the common insults; dick, dork, and jerk together. A derk is usually used to describe an annoying or agitating person/place/thing.
That guy is such a derk.

It was like walking into Derksville.
by BananaMonkey123 February 22, 2008
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To dip from the police/parents/anyone worth running from
Originated by a local DJ in the 925
Joey Cerletti AKA DJ Joey C
O fuck my parents are home, DERK!

Holy shit, its the cops, we gotta derk it.
by DJ Joey C February 29, 2008
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to be a whiny bitch and cry like a woman
Man that guy is such a derk

After I yelled at him he straight up derked.
by Firewallz April 23, 2011
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The act of being a dork and a jerk at the same time.
You're such a derk!
by Grandmasta J March 2, 2003
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1.)anything or anyone stupid or moronic
2.)kicking ass in something
1.)Hey, you're acting like a derk, stop!
2.)Man, I totally derked that Psych test.
by Nick, Ed, Kev November 18, 2005
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