The one and only desended of the ever so popular Dawesy, but an even more better version
i am the dawes!!!!
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Derived from egyptian slang, Daw is a word used to describe Homosexuals who are also obese. The word comes from the word Circle in Arabic but was shortened to fit into sentences easily.
Person 1: Look at that fat gay man over there
Person 2: Hes such a Daw
by AhmedElkhazragy June 24, 2020
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Your Daws man

Thats Daws. Smells like crap
by SameBrotherMan February 17, 2022
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acronym for "desperate attention whore". Used on the internet.
Why is your skirt so short ? You're being a DAW dawg.
by Ricky February 13, 2004
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dog A friend. Commonly interpretted as "dog" the actual pronunciation/use is daw with no "g".
Wassup daw!
by Lucid Dragon March 14, 2003
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