a short way to abbreviate the integral of e to the power of xy. also known as a nerdy way to call something sexy. pronounced "dicks".
aww dude thats so dx!
by duganal September 2, 2010
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US military lingo for "damage exchange" used to describe getting rid of or exchanging a damaged item for a new or better one.
My girlfriend Jen was getting too possessive, so I had to dx her for Sarah.
by Scobri June 15, 2010
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Radio term for "extended distance".
What "extended distance" really is could be 100 miles, 1000 miles, 10,000 miles, it is pretty grey as to an exact number or distance.
11-meter pirate radio operators use the frequency of 27.555 MHz (27555.0 kHz) for DX calling.
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 23, 2003
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-At night this set will pull in some great DX with a decent antenna.

-I stayed up all night DX'ing
by BlastMaster September 22, 2003
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A RWD version of the Toyota Corolla very popular in New Zealand.
Me and Mike were doing some mad skids in the DX last night
by TRD_rollawgn May 31, 2005
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