The residue left behind on your fingers after eating Cheetos.
After downing a bag of Cheetos, I’m covered in chizz.
by Theasshatter January 20, 2020
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serious moment in a period in time, or a situation that is in desperate need of fixing
Don't joke around man! This is some serious chizz!
by Jasboy94 January 27, 2010
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1) to work out in order to become extremely muscular
2) To ejaculate on a womans chin
im goin to the gym to get chizzed
by gorilla biskit December 1, 2004
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To be on the influence of marijuana. Another word for 'stoned'.
"Man, I'm so chizzed , oh my god".
by mikeleggy March 26, 2007
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an exceedingly ugly boy that emits strange, unintelligible noises. also has an uncanny resemblance to roadkill.
What is that Chizze wearing?
I can't tell. It hurts my eyes. Not to mention my ears.
by TheZorb May 16, 2011
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When you bite into a burrito from taco bell or some other sort of "mexican" food establishment, and molten liquid cheese squirts all over your face, clothing, or other body parts.
Damn son, this burrito totally just chizzed on my face.
by squatch-one April 8, 2010
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A word used when you're trying to embellish something that clearly didn't happen that way. Usually used when you're trying to sound cool, though by using this word you are the complete opposite.
"Hey, guess what? I just got a car!"

"What kind of car?"

"I got an actual Hummer. An actual Hummer, no chizz"
by Glides April 3, 2010
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