She’s just the most sexy, beautiful, funny, gorgeous, kind and intelligent person in all the universe
Example: O.M.G! There’s a Chiara over there! She’s just the most perfect girl that I’ve ever seen
by Kiaby February 6, 2018
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Falls madly in love with guys named Will.
Oh yea she must be a Chiara by the way she looks at him”.
by Bill RSD March 13, 2019
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Do you see Chiara flirting with all of those guy?
by goldscar123 May 19, 2018
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"just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, in walks that Chiara and saves the day."
by ntstlkr November 9, 2011
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A lovely girl. More than likely a hipster, though she will more often than not deny it.
"Do you know Chiara?"
"Yeah, she's the hipster, right?"
by Tdelle145 October 8, 2014
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amazing girl. the best one yet! shes so sophisticated, beautiful, funny and all around perfect.
person 1: hey who's that girl over there? she seems great, i wanna meet her.
person 2: chiara
by elijahscoffee January 18, 2022
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She can come across shy and reserved, but once you get closer, you'll find out about her wacky sense of humour and one-of-a-kind personality. She is a extremely gorgeous, and though it seems "beauty" isn't something she particularly cares about, she can still feel a little insecure from time to time. Her most notable feature is her beautiful eyes. She is passionate about her hobbies, and will fight for her loved ones if she needs too. Chiara is basically the QUEEN of burns and comebacks, and is a force to be reckoned with when mad. She also has great taste in memes and music!
"Chiara is so funny! Her jokes are really hilarious, and she had me giggling all through Geography!"
by Shrektasticlife October 27, 2017
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