Guys who think highly of themselves and try to act "cool" by hipster standards or local popular standards, when in actuality they are very lame, pretentious, and/or whack.
The guy, Chris, who buys weed from James Franco in Pineapple Express while Seth Rogen is waiting inside the apartment.

James Franco: What's up, Chris?
Chris: Yo. Hey, son.
James: Hey
Chris: How you doin', buddy?
James: Alright, holmes. Good. Who's this?
(shady percocet question)
James: Chris, you told him I was gonna sell percoset? What the fuck, man?
(tries to pound fists with JF - JF fakes him out)
James: Yeah, nice. Peace out holmes.

Chris is a cheese burger.
by cookylady September 30, 2011
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used when about to give a hive-five, then you go lower than you were going to go for a real high-five and you say "CHEESE BURGER!" and you bring your hand to your mouth and hold it as if your eating a cheese burger.
A-yo man what's up
B- yo (motions for a high-five)
A-(goes for a high five)
by Matt Shaver September 9, 2007
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A "Cheese Burger" is a drug reference, it is when the addict takes both an Upper or Meth-amphetamine such as speed or crank and mixes it with a Downer like morphine or Vicodin. It is usually taken while ingesting alcohol.

It creates a conflicting feeling in the body that most users love and become addicted to quickly.

The reference is attributed to a college fraternity (Theta Xi) from Edinboro University in Erie, PA. This became in the 1990's their "Offical" high of choice.
Yo, bro-septh... you got a cheese burger?!?
by The Taco that ate you April 7, 2011
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when a guy smears a girls yellowish-green cottage cheese discharge in the ass crack of the girl and then licks it out. (a bacon cheese burger is the same but the girl is crapping while u lick it out)
"man chris was all over that cheese burger this weekend"
by Justin :) February 27, 2008
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A man that consumes cheese burgers on a substantial scale effecting the physical appereance of said person
fuckin bobandy that greasy cheese burger walrus.
by Bobandy July 6, 2008
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An African American who is over weight and loves cheese burgers
That little Cheese Burger Niglet stole all of my food!
by Charles Albe November 7, 2022
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