An Australian slang word for a bottle of extremely cheap and nasty wine. Often confused with 'goon'.
Due to high alcohol taxes in Australia, despite the name, two-buck-chuck which once would've cost $2, may now cost anywhere up to $5.

The name is derived from its affect on the consumer, as drinking it very fast is potent and often makes the consumer quickly drunk and vomit violently.
It is often drunk for these above reasons- to get inebriated quickly and frugally.
Additonally- the action of vomiting quickly to sober yourself up, and to get back to partying is called having a "power-chuck".
"Do you want to get pre-drinks, before we got out?" "Nah, no time mate, I'm just gonna down a bottle of two-buck-chuck"
by A.Welles April 11, 2023
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A nickname for the Charles Shaw wine, best known at traders joe as the "one buck chiuck" for it's never ending Dollar a Bottle deal.
Hey Lou, Could you grab me a one buck chuck off the wine shelf please?

I'm One Buck Chucking it to sleep tonight ya'll, good night
by Bowmaniam May 3, 2010
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a wine with its orgins being in american airlines, outlawed on airplanes after american government crackdowns, it was then bought en masse by Trader Joe's at an extremely low price, as such Trader Joe's was able to sell said wine to the public at a low cost ($2.00) while still turning a large profit, being called Chuck as it rhyms with Buck (an american slang term for dollar) and is a nickname for a person named Charles with the actual name of the wine being Charles Shaw
Person A : "I'm going to Trader Joe's, do you want anything?"
Person B : "Ya, get me some Two Buck Chuck"
Person A : "okay"
by boring old me December 31, 2005
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Name given to really really nasty wine that will make you sicker than the mansons with aids. $2+ alcoholic beverage popular with teeny boppers and homeless bums. Now the nasty liquid has evolved into goon (same crappy cheap wine just in a foil bag with a tap)that you can buy for $6.00 for 5 litres. The bag can be inflated when empty to used as a pillow coz face it, if goon is the only shit you can afford to drink then you obviously dont have a bed. You will the pillow to lie down on after you burn all your energy projectiling pizza and goon at high
velocities from you mouth. This liquid is rumoured to be the residue collected from Satan Himself's armpit.
The 2 buck chuck story:
"Damn friday night, nowhere to crash, no money and i feel like getting drunk"
* Reaches into the innermost depths of pockets and produces lint covered shrapnel*
* Combs street and gutters for stray loose change*
*Slams fistfull of sweaty, grimey coins onto the counter of the local Bottle-o*
"Gimme sum of that crap red stuff in the bag in the box"
*1hr later barfing down the slide of the local playground
by ohwefoh September 29, 2006
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Charles Shaw once started a winery. He owned it with his wife and 5 children. Due to the financial troubles associated with the winery, his wife wanted a divorce. As part of the divorce settlement, she acquired the winery. As a result of how hurt he was by the divorce, he lowered the price of the wine to $2 thinking she wouldn't make any money and never get out of the pile of debt the winery had cost them. Little did he know of how successful it would be.
by HustleRose October 2, 2013
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cheap Alcoholic Beverage of low quality ie. Fruity Lexia, Kentucky Gold, Woodstock etc.
by Zyklon-B October 2, 2003
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Drinking a large quantity of 3 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's. Get a buck, drink, chuck the bottle.
"I don't have a lot of money, so it's bucking and chucking tonight."
by ManFromVeryLongAgo July 21, 2013
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