stupid laws that us trippin Jits be breakin
"Bro that Stamp Act of 1765 lowkey a blobby law."
by gib_ September 22, 2021
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Used when someone walks in to the blobby
*walks into the blobby*
by Stoopidassname June 8, 2021
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When the penis is infected and is oozeing puss.
King Henry VIII had a very Blobby Knob!
by Spermicidal Maniac May 18, 2009
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That annoying type of dump when it's not quite solid and not quite diarrhea. Results in lots of small solid chunks of poo along with some liquid. Possibly the most annoying type of shit out there.
Guy 1 - Dude, this bathroom's gonna smell for days! I just let out a load of blobby bits into your toilet!

Guy 2 - Aw come on man blobby bits are the worst! Why'd you have to do this in my bathroom!
by Gosteelers2020 November 16, 2011
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A Mr Blobby is where you have sex with a girl who is on her period , and or make her bleed then cum in her and the resulting misxture of blood and semen is your mr blobby

J: Did you here that i Mr blobby'd that girl last night?
P: Thats sick
by Grandad September 25, 2007
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A Pink Blobby is an extremely attractive blond, usually short, with amazing blue eyes. She can pull off any look and look amazing and is very kind-hearted and caring. She usually wears the colours blue or green and enjoys spending time with her Best Friends. Her mother is usually strict about her spending time with her boyfriends but that is only because she cares.

Many people love Pink Blobbies becuase of their charm or personallity, which is slightly dirty minded but witty and humerous too. They care about all and give all to recieve all. They enjoy making presents for friends and family members rather than buying as it adds a personal touch, part of their je ne sais quoi. They are loved by many people but do not know it. They have helpful bestfriends to guide them through life but have a main one, also see Purple Blobby. Their main best friend helps them through thick and thin, sometimes they get in fights but it is over nothing and are instantly fine again.
Finally, Pink Blobbies have long and happy love lives. Their partner loves them dearly and are not afraid to show it. The Pink Blobbies of the world take relationships slowly, lasting them and savouring every moment. Whilst not in relationships, they are slightly obsessed with boys, but in a good way. They are amazed by the good looking ones but touched by the kind hearted ones. They never love them though, as they are in love with another most of the time and would never betray their love.

All in all, you would be very lucky to meet a Pink Blobby as they are very rare and very special.

Pink Blobby: Oh, how I love you!
Purple Blobby: I know you do!
Pink Blobby: I really, really love him. And I really want to kiss him but I'm worried if he doesn't want to.
Purple Blobby: Don't worry, you'll be fine! You know he's well into you!
Purple Blobby: It's really nice to meet you!
Friend: Oh, thanks, I really like you! You have the most gorgeous eyes too!
by LegallyInLove October 17, 2010
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