When somebody loses control of him or herself, or generally has an epic fail.
You really had a bertation today during your presentation.
by gimli1995 February 19, 2011
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1. When a reporter completely loses it on TV.

2. When you have the worlds biggest brain fart.

3. When you lose all control over what you are saying.

4. See YouTube.
Well a very very ...uh heafy der, Bertation tonight. we had a very dares, dareson, fight. let's go ahead tears tazin'. lets go ahead ..
by Len Dog February 14, 2011
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To have a stroke or to have some sort of fit while speaking publicly.
Serene Branson from CBS2 had a bertation while reporting on the Grammy's
by DrewBates February 14, 2011
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A fill-in word used to replace a word in which one cannot bring to mind.
Well a very very heaveh... uh, heavy deh, bertation tonight.
by CalebTheGuitarist February 19, 2011
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Noise made by Bert the budgie prior to biting someone or when he has a happy. Could also mean he is about to poop!
RIP Bert- you will be missed.
wow look at that , Bert is having a very derrison Bertation
by bert-lover July 7, 2011
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The emotion felt when a favorite performer does not meet expectations at an award ceremony, despite multiple nominations.

Sometimes spelled, "burtation" or "bertasion".
Well a very very heavay-uh-heaveh bertation tonight. We had a very darist-darison, by, lets go hit teret taysan those to the bet who had the pet.
by OregonMyOregon February 18, 2011
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When someone messes up a sentence beyond recognition.
Well a very very heavay - uh - heaveh bertation tonight. We had a very darist-darison, by, lets go hit teret taysan those to the bet who had the pet
by Thedarison February 21, 2011
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