A power movement which calculates the power of the chest muscles
Ben Hatch Benches more than you because his chest is stronger
by Maximus February 19, 2003
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What jocks and butch lesbians do to buff up their pecs.
Maximus spotted for Melba while she went through her bench press routine with a Chevy truck axle.
by harry flashman July 13, 2003
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The act of beating someone so badly that they may as well have been bench pressed 1000 times over.

This term is versatile and can mean the following:

Oblierating ones argument into the netherrealm by being so very on point that the opponent cannot hope to come back from it.

Physically destroying someone for example by german suplexing them into the earths mantle.

Mowing down an opposing civilization in AoE that you theoratically lift said civ into the air and drop them into hell itself by sheer domination.

The art of total puss puss destruction via a massive thundercock which can only be bestowed upon omega class alpha males. Guaranteed to inseminate any female on the first try.
This fool thinks sbmm doesnt exist so I bench pressed his dumbass opinion into the dirt.

Just ran around Al Mazrah in DMZ and bench pressed some lil Timothy and friends so bad they lost all there loot and rage quit.

I just bench pressed this slag with my PR 24 meat baton. Fatherhood here I cum.
by Shak 12 April 23, 2023
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A weighted movement and one of the 3 powerlifts, the trainee, while lying on a bench, lowers a weighted barbell or dumbbells to the chest and then presses the weight back to the starting position. This lift is good for developing and strengthening the pectoral (chest) muscles, the tricep muscles and the anterior deltoid (front shoulder) muscle
The Bench Press is by far the best compound exercise to develop a the upper body
by American Powerbuilder February 8, 2022
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When a fuck naked guy lays flat and lifts his fuck naked girl (or guy if he’s a bit homosexual) up and down on his erect dick, penetrating the girl/guy’s vagina or anus, simulating a bench press. It originated in Boston back in the American Revolution when horny colonists would kidnap British Redcoats and give them a Boston Bench Press in retaliation for raising taxes on the colonies and shutting down the port of Boston, thus coining the term. It is still widely practiced today as a training exercise for the New England Patriots as an ode to the team’s origins in Boston. It’s also just a good exercise if you can’t afford a gym membership or benching equipment.
Guy 1: Ayo you look totally ripped today did you start working out?
Guy 2: Absolutely.
Guy 1: That’s awesome bro, I work out too! What gym do you go to?
Guy 2: Oh I don’t go to the Gym, I just give my girlfriend a Boston Bench Press.
by InternetSlangPhD January 9, 2023
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The Crabcore move which consists of all guitar players (including bass) lifting their instruments behind their heads, then bringing them back down in synchronized fashion. Most likely during a breakdown. You will be lucky to see more than one of these per show.
--at concert--
Friend #1: "dude!! did you see what they just did with their guitars!?"
Friend #2: "Haha yeah man, that's The Talladega Bench Press"
by crab[core]man November 6, 2010
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When a buff ass body builder chick grabs a man by the chest and knees or legs (depending on height) and bench presses the man over her head while giving oral sex at the same time.
Laugh all you want at Marla, but you'll never know the joys of a bench press blowjob
by The Hot Carlson April 4, 2007
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