A stupid stuttering girl from the overly-adjective saga Twilight. She is overly obsessive and starts seeing hallucinations, jumps off of cliffs and busts her head open riding motorcycles JUST to see a dead person Edward.

Also she's a selfish little person who wants Jacob AND Edward.

Portrays necrophilia and bestiality.

Is said to be really average looking but a lot of guys like her, cannot dress to save her life and seems to be incredibly boring.
Edward Cullen: I'm leaving you

Bella Swan: B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whhy?
by rjfghjsehgnr January 9, 2010
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Verb: An act of clumsiness or stupidity.
I pulled a Bella Swan in Wal-Mart today, someones going to be doing their job
by betting--on--alice April 22, 2009
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1. A character in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

2. A pretty swan

3. A random act of clumsiness or stupidity
3. I pulled a Bella Swan today and accidentally went flying over the sofa.
by diddly oop November 2, 2006
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1. A necrophiliac who is also very clumsy. May or may not be insane saying that vampires sparkle. Also has been known to have bestiality with a wolf. If you see her run very far away.

2. A girl closely related to Mary Sue, they might be twins.
OMG is that Bella Swan? Run away!!!!!!

I think I'm going to do a Bella Swan and bang some dead dudes and wolves.
by goanddie April 16, 2010
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A co-dependent whore who can't think about anything but sex. Becomes suicidal if her gay sparkly boyfriend dumps her. A lot a people consider her a bitch. This is true but she is also a slut!
That girl is so easy, she is such a whore." ... "I wonder if she is related to Bella Swan?
by AlphaWolfMika January 27, 2011
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A character from the poorly written 'Twilight' Series.
It would have been sp much better if James would have killed her..

bella swan is just as boring as edward they belong together.
by All knowing Teen January 4, 2009
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The main character in the 'Twilight' series. A girl who somehow has to choose between Beastiality and Necrophilia.
"Should I choose the furry, or the sparkly?" - Bella swan
by TheBigMystery April 22, 2010
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