The second largest town in georgia, Augusta is known for its golf tournament held on the first week of April every year called the masters. Also for james brown.
Famous land marks include-
Augusta National Golf Club
Richmond Academy
Augusta Country Club
EastBoundry St.
Soul Bar

Augusta is a staple of a southern american town where, a mainly white, rich half of the town is one one side of the main railroad tracks, and the mainly black side is on the other.
Hey Boi, Im rollin down I-20 To Augusta, from the ATl U gonna come?
by J-Dawg of lil a March 30, 2007
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city in georgia where the masters are held each year
tiger woods went to augusta and won the green jacket
by alkatreez May 24, 2005
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Augusta,Georgia, also known as Disgusta Augusta. A midsize town in eastern Georgia on the Savannah River. Home of the Masters Golf Tournament and James Brown. This is about the only thing going for this town. It cant seem to get out of the late 70's. If you are not a Doctor or Lawyer you are poor white trash or live in the ghetto which is called the Monkey Hole.
Me and my friend went to visit friends in Disgusta Augusta. We got lost and ended up in the Monkey Hole.
by robbyrob July 15, 2005
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city in georgia where the masters are held each year
tiger woods- well im off to georgia
trainer- god speed
by alkatrez May 19, 2005
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Augusta is the capital city of Maine. The state all the way North East of the United Sates of America.
Jack: What's the capital of Georgia?

Drake: Oh, I know this one! Augusta!

Jack: Dude, it's Maine!
by nunyobussiness July 27, 2011
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not to be confused with the city in georgia, this noncapitilized word can be used to refer to a great place to go make out

guy1 " so man how'd the date go last night"
guy2 "it was insane, we went to augusta and things got pretty freaky"
guy1 "damn i gotta remember that place next time"
by mcfail a waggit September 1, 2006
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Artists who help build/ bring exposure to a local area that haven't broken a main stream level. Someone who creates, performs and releases music either independently or through a record label. The commitment level of a music artist is extreme, living sometimes a nomadic and taxing lifestyle and spending long days and nights in the studio recording music.
Augusta rappers are artists from Augusta Georgia that shed light on the city with there plateform.
by Michael Saponara November 12, 2019
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