A life-long disorder that affects the way the nervous system is set up, diagnoses ranging from borderline to severe. Oddities in people with Asperger's leads to problems socially. As the person inflicted gets older, they're more likely to control the more disabling features. You could think of it as the linking point between Autism and AD(H)D. More debilitating than AD(H)D, benign compared to Autism. Usually leads to or is co-morbid with other disorders.
But aspergers always comes with a serving of OCD and a side of Sensory Integration Dysfunction.
by Juan Orgasmatron November 23, 2006
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A social disorder under the autism spectrum. People with aspergers tend to have generally high iq's but may have trouble expressing their thoughts. They tend to excell at a few subjects and stink at others. Even those subjects that they are good at, they often can still fail at it. One with aspergers may be able to express an answer, but not how they came to it. Some can tend to get wrapped up in online video games do to the fact that they are often noted as social outcasts. One with aspergers often will have their symptoms disappear as they get older, yet may experience the same troubles. People with aspergers often may view the fine details as more important that the big picture, and pay incredibly close attension to them. They also tend to be incredibly single minded, yet not be able to acknowledge it.
It's a shame he failed this year. He got all hundreds on the tests and quizzes, but didn't turn in a single page of homework. I guess it's just his aspergers.

Aspy: doesn't the thesis make more sense if it started two sentences before, and gradually mentioned the subject over the whole article.

Teacher: Please do the assignment as instructed. It doesn't matter as much as getting it done and getting a good grade.
Aspy: but it does matter. The turn of the thesis effects the outcome of the whole article. Besides, aren't we supposed to learn, and isn't the best way to learn to change methods and try new thing?
Teacher: I know you think it matters, but if you just trust me, it really doesn't. If you want to do it on your own time, that's ok.
Aspy: *gives while speech over again*
by Gamablaze August 16, 2012
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Aspergers (or Aspies) are individuals far smarter than most of us who fall high on the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Aspies often are socially awkward, or have no awareness of social acceptance. Those on the spectrum are often highly intellectual, including Bill Gates and Albert Einstien. Aspies are "rule followers". It is not uncommon for Those with ASD to lack empathy, have a hard time grasping basic life skill concepts or have a "filter", yet they excel in what is important to them, which is usually 1-2 major focuses or fascinations; math, science, computers, legos, art, quantum physics, etc. Secluding, or introverting is a normal part of this disorder, as well as having sensory issues to lights, sounds, frequencies, touch, textures and tastes. You would be suprised at how many of the worlds most brilliant inventors had Aspergers.
My son has Aspergers, he is 15. He finished his High School credits 2 years early and is studying quantum physics, yet will not cross streets on his own.
by Libbyidol May 18, 2014
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Asperger syndrome, also known as AS, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.
People with this disorder tend to be socially awkward.

Things that are common in this disorder is depression, intense interest in a limited number of things, learning disability, nightmares, or sensitivity to sound.
I have Aspergers
by genericstuff March 20, 2016
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A mild form of Autism. Asperger's makes people socially awkward and repeat themselves.

Some signs of Asperger's are being physically clumsy, too empathetic, and too focused on one subject.
Tim- "Champion totally flaunted her asperger's at the social x-country meet."
Raul- "Yeah, good thing it wasn't as bad as the previous times when she was obsessing over Family Guy yeah?"
Tim- "Most def"
by For-Free November 7, 2009
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A syndrome that sounds suspiciously like "ass burgers."
"Hey, Paul, I done gone and shat out an aspergers!
by RadioKing01 November 30, 2009
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A disease that prevents you from being normal. With asperger's you can't socialize correctly. I hate to be touched. I never even had a date. I was beat up by jocks and popular people at school, they called me ass pie and other mean names.

I always wish I was normal. I was deemed by teachers to have a " low iq " but the truth was i was an asperger's case. I am now 36 and high functioning. I live with mom and do simple chores around the house. I still haven't established my own life and ive never had a normal or real relationship of any kind, whether friendship wise or love interests.

I still harbor a bitter resentment towards all the jocks and pretty girls who picked on me and called me " the asspie loser."

If you know an aspie's please don't make fun of us, we are special.
by Michael Todd Rehmeyer... October 30, 2008
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