Ashlyn is fun loving care free girl. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks and will do anything to help a friend. She will stick up for you and once you find one you don’t leave her. If you do you will regret. Once she has a goal she’ll stick to it and won’t give up till it happens!!
Bully: Your ugly

Ashlyn: Get away. Your nothing but a piece of crap that has nothing better to do than make fun of someone.
by Writer 29 February 7, 2019
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An athletic girl who has many friends but some not very loyal she pretty with gorgeous eyes and a nice butt she is very funny and mostly shy towards other
Look at her eyes she an Ashlyne
by Xxxxxxpxxxxxxxx June 27, 2017
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A very gorgeous girl. This girl usually has the prettiest eyes in the world. When around her you laugh a lot and watch awesome movies. A girl named Ashlyn is hot and sexy and everyone wants to be around her. This girl is nice and friendly and just wants to have fun. She's simple and fun loving. An Ashlyn loves to make jokes and has a great time with guys.
" Wow she's amazing." "Must be Ashlyn"
by bobarabaroo December 27, 2010
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A fun, loving, talented, outgoing girl who is often misjudged. They usually have the prettiest eyes in the world and are extremely funny. Some may be tall, but most Ashlyn's are semi-short. Ashlyn's love to hang out with guys and girls get extremely jealous of them because they are so pretty and fun to be around. They love to party and have a good time, so if you're friends with an Ashlyn you know you're in for a wild night. Ashlyn's are also very caring and delicate people so really appreciate them.
Friend: Who's that?
Guy: Oh that's ashlyn the most perfect girl in the World
Friend: Wow I'd tap that hottie
by 2awsome4u September 12, 2010
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Often short, intelligent, beautiful, and talented. A good friend very outgoing. If you meet one don't let her go. You'll find she is trustworthy and funny. At times she may seem annoying. Once you get to know her you'll learn to overlook her few flaws because the other parts are worth it.
Ashlyn is my best friend
by I'm a blondie July 6, 2014
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A complete crackhead who is weird amazing and fucking funny
Person 1: do you know Ashlyn?

Person 2: yah she is hella funny
by aavery647 November 2, 2019
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One of the best people you will ever meet. She is so nice and I just love her to death. If you meet an Ashlyn you will automatically know she is going to be a wonderful person :)
Boy-Oh look it's ashlyn

Ashlyn- Hi! :3
by Meowsaurus September 21, 2011
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