Arvin is the most sexy boy you will ever meet

He is veryyyyy hot and in the first look all girls fall in love with him and he is so tall
He is not just handsome he is also so kind but not anygirl can catch his attention he and only an special girl can catch his heart

He is also so loyal and he would never cheat on his girl and he would never lie
Not anygirl is lucky to have him
by Blankk56 March 8, 2020
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1.) a person who can run faster than any ninja you've ever seen.
2.) usually goes after Erica types.
3.) generally an insanley sweet gentlemen. knows how to treat his lady people.
4.) talks for hours on end, always about important things.
5.) someone who enjoys nights in.
6.) the most real guy you will ever set eyes on. not always the most attractive, but very pleasent to look at. An arvin is someone who will change your whole life around, with one smile.
dude1:hey, did you see that arvin today?
dude2:yeaa he was with an erica!
dude1:obviously, they're both crazy nice people who love to talk!

Wow, there goes an arvin, you can just tell by how fast he ran.
by eap! December 24, 2010
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to 'do an arvine' is to sit calmly at a concert and 'appreciate the music' rather than cheering an jumping around.
man, she was no fun at that show, she just did an arvine!
by February 23, 2011
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A very cool guy. This guy is beyond cool. Oh and he's a very good gambler too.
Hey, that Arvin dude is pretty cool. Very friendly guy.
Who? Oh, Arvin aka the god of gamblers, yeah he's cool.
by hiscousin March 6, 2005
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Arvin will always be the one for every girl. All the girls like him because he has everything and he's a athlete and very good looking but no girl can have him because arvin's are always players that break girls hearts so watch out!
Girl 1: wow arvin looks so cute today

Girl 2: I know right? I wish I could date him but all the girls he dated said to stay away
Girl 1: yea he's like the biggest fboy ever
Girl 2: too bad because he has everything a girl could want :(
by namemakers September 29, 2020
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Arvin is the cutest, most handsome, and sexiest person on earth. He is also very smart, kind, funny and has a huge dick. His face is real but his personality is fake.

He’s like literally the most fun person to be and hang around. Arvin is the best person on Earth.
Gay guy: Hey! Who’s that sexy guy that just walked passed us?

Gay guy 2: Oh his name is Arvin he’s very cute and smart. I bet he has a real huge dick.
by kurtisthebest November 24, 2021
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used when you have done something you wouldnt regularly do; something you shouldnt do; something youd regret; events related to sex. may ruin any innocence you have left.
so like me and that one tippy when back to my pad, and i somewhat pulled an Arvin.

I pulled an Arvin yesterday.
by Estaban September 29, 2006
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