mofo : “ayo homie”

homie : “yeah”
mofo: “let’s go steal this girl mailbox on April 10th, that will teach her a lesson
by Have faith April 10, 2022
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Girl: Hey it’s April 10th, wanna come over
Boy: god I love this day
by Jeff0ry273 April 10, 2021
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National big dick day, On this day everyone with a big dick goes around town and fucks every girl in town
Barry: todays April 10th you know what that means right.
Megan: i sure do barry lets go to my room
by Bob from the north April 10, 2022
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“April 10th is a magical day where fun things may happen ;)”
Woah it’s April 10th? Time to seen booty pics
by stfuhoe. December 3, 2020
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This is for you.

Today, tomorrow, in the far future.

I know you will be able to get through the tough times of your life. Someone somewhere out there loves you and supports you. If that's not cutting it, then I'll let you know that that person is me.

I wish you happiness, love.
Can't be really used to any sentence but just want to post this as an affirmation for everyone who needs to hear it.

What day is it today? April 10th. :)
by Hajime_Isko April 9, 2021
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International heartbreak day
A day where you are likely to kiss a boy/girl who will break your heart soon, if you kiss someone on this day it is not going to end well
Lucy , what's international heartbreak day?

Sophie it's like how Harry kissed me on that day and also got with like 9 other GIRLS on April the 10th! I wouldn't recommend getting with anyone on this day, they'll break your heart
by Juststatingnothating October 14, 2019
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This is for the lads with the guns to protect where you are legally allowed to protect yourself from the Femboys that try to force you into a maid dress, don't let em take you lads RISE UP! This is a miracle to save your self... NOW GO AND SAVE YOURSELF!
"Hey, there little boy put this maid outfit on so you can be a femboy like me."

*Pulls out 6P41* "No it's April 10th gun day"


by benjilol1 April 9, 2021
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