A smoother flowing word for dope of all kinds. A bong rip, a joint, a chute, and even a roach are all considered dotes. Generally used incognito by scavengers looking for a high.
Yo, where's the dotes?
by TrueCaruso May 17, 2011
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Hey man, got time for some dotes?
by hhyphen March 28, 2019
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A title given to a special breed of modern fencing masters. Unlike past counterparts, they pride themselves in blending with ghetto lifestyle a la boheme. Most distinguishing characteristics of a Dote are his/her unquenchable thirst for knowledge in the matters of the sword, and innate desire for socialization. Dotes can typically be found engaged extensively in on-line activities when off-duty.
You won't win the Old Guard to your side if you insist on being such a Dote.
by Don Saltena April 6, 2006
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To agree on what someone has said. To feel the same way. "Me too"
Karen: I love taking long walks with you.
David: Dotes.
by sincerelyanon March 18, 2011
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The excess cum left in the rectum of a man after partaking in gay butt sex. Most girls named megan know of this.
by Doteface31 April 25, 2010
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Not coming through with the homies
When 5 homies go to the mall and 4 guys copped team sweatpants, the last person is doting
by AYJamal January 28, 2015
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