Acronym for 'For Fuck's Sake!'
FFS! Shut up, woman! Just don't let him carry you down the stairs when he's drunk and you'll be fine!
by 2goth4this July 10, 2005
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Bob: Totally fucked a chick last night

Rob: Man u in love?

Bob: No it was a FF.
by Lanban November 30, 2010
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heres all the definitions for FF:

freindly fire
Fire fight
Flying fuck
Flaming Fist
focus fire
Front Wheel Drive
Forum faggot
Freedom Fries
finds funny
False Friend
Fake fuck
Foot Fucker
Fucking Fool
Fan Fiction
Final Fantasy
Front flip
fun fuck
Fucking freak
Father fucker
Fist fucking
Fat Fuck
Freshly fucked
Fatal Fury
Final Fight
Front Engine
Bob: FF!
Joe: False Friend?
bob: no
Joe: Fire fight?
bob: NO
joe: Forum faggot?
Bob: No, noob
Joe: Front flip?
Bob: wait it was the second one...
by Is this name used? August 7, 2006
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1) An acronym used commonly by gamers as an easier way of saying "For fucks sake"

2) This can also mean (If you are being nicer) "For funs sake"
Boy 1: Man, that kid over there broke my phone...

Boy 2:Ffs
by Fun_in_a_box900 February 16, 2015
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1) noun: Facial feminisation surgery, a surgery often undergone by trans-feminine people.

2) interjection: For fuck's sake! Exclaimed when one is angry or surprised in a negative way.

My trans-feminine friend, Ashley, is getting FFS on Saturday! I wish her good luck.


Person 1: *does something dumb*
Person 2: For fuck's sake, you're ruining our game!
by asatoheisa July 24, 2023
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For Fucks Sake - this is the most common abbreviation most often used in gaming circles.
"FFS n00b get the hell outa my damn chopper"
by BumBumBanana May 30, 2006
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ff is texting short term for "fucking funny." Much more hip than an lol!
That girl is so ff. She makes me laugh my ass off!
by notnicole November 28, 2011
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