the act of banging one's head on a desk repeatedly.
that was lame. *headdesk*
by e February 6, 2005
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Verb: The action of passing out at the office.
Nick: Dude, that meeting was brutal...
Mark: Oh man, I know, I totally headdesked an hour into it.
Nick: yeah, the partner saw you, too. good thing he almost headdesked or you'd be busted.
by Inappropriate English Major September 22, 2008
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When a person becomes so overcome with fangirl delight that they can no longer support the weight of their own head, and it hits a desk or desk-like object.
Mr. X: "Did you see the new Twilight movie?"

Mrs. Y: "Yeah, I headdesked when the guy took his shirt off."
by Coutzy December 8, 2009
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