When a girl is on her period, and the guys about to eat her, and she opens it up and it falls all over the guy
Mike: dude in was bout to eat my gf, but i didn't know she was on her month

Ryan: and what happened?

Mike: she opened it up and it poured all over me

Ryan: haha she did The Kool-Aid pour

Mike: What?

Ryan: never mind
by nbdbsd201 November 10, 2010
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When you've been out on the sesh drinking lots of alcohol and necking lots of strangers.... and your mouth just feels dirty and diseased.
I went out last night with the girls and this morning... mouth aids


She's such a slut she necks everyone. Bet her mouth tastes like mouth aids.
by Secretiveslut11 September 30, 2018
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A telepathic phenomenon, a baby that appears from the aether after someone contracts aids. The baby will have every form of cancer as soon as they are born, and will be able to start fires with their mind
“Your so good at math, but your always sick, what are you? An aids baby!
by Josh magosh February 26, 2019
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The appearance a person’s face takes on after “drinking the Kool-Aid” re: plastic surgery, fillers & upkeep, where they end up looking like the Kool-Aid man.
Apparently the Queen Of Pop has switched to Kool-Aid, based on her Kool-Aid face.
by TheSquidGirl March 23, 2023
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A term used to describe something that is extremely cringe and annoying.
That weird andrew tate guy is Very Aids
by Walter whit December 30, 2022
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A buttocks that changes colors from being smacked during flirting, foreplay, or sex.
Last night my girl had a kool aid booty.
by tinyfool August 9, 2013
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This is just aids but in your nuts. So like if a guy had aids, he could say he has nut aids. This is unlike brain aids which are completely different.
"I knew he had aids, but I didn't know he had nut aids."
by Dalton Lang January 13, 2022
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