a cocky bastard who lies and whines about everything <3
"This woman lied about having sex with my dad!"
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An Adult FEMALE Human.

not to be confused with a "trans woman"

- a male with gender dysphoria (a dysphoric depression-like mental illness), of which the individual has a strong desire to be a woman and will possibly seek irreversible experimental treatments such as;

- HRT (hormone replacement treatment)

- Cosmetic surgery (previously incorrectly called "sex reassignment surgery", and later changed to "gender affirmation surgery") to appear more feminine.

However, regardless of political opinion... a person's biological sex cannot be changed.

A WOMAN is born a 'GIRL' (a young female human). She will go through puberty where her body will naturally develop into an adult.

Females are generally born with XX chromosomes (without the "Y" chromosome). They are born with female anatomy (ie. a vagina, ovaries, uterus...), which will enable them the ability to produce children. given she doesn't have any female infertility problems.

Some females may be born with chromosomal abnormalities ( aka intersex conditions), where their chromosomal sequence may be a single "X" or "XXX" - this may cause her phenotype (observable/physical traits) to look a bit different, although the rule is the same....

women can only produce large ova (eggs), NOT small ova (sperm).

Adulthood is when a person (a male, or in this case a female) reaches full sexual maturity. (This is typically at 18 years old, but this may vary in forms of law, depending on what age a country deems appropriate).
"it is just a known fact that every human in existence has come from a woman"
by Donna Barnbrook June 10, 2022
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Normal Person: What's that thing in the kitchen

incel_6969: oh that's just a woman
by miragexl June 12, 2022
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A girl with a feminine look but a bit rebellious, a little personality. The girl is feminine but always independent in financial matters, always proactive at work and still dreams of romance sometimes.
A woman - always looks fashionable and sweet
by kittykiu September 3, 2020
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Person 1: "hey bro, you ever heard of a woman before?"
Person 2: "a what?"
by Nickington_REAL January 25, 2023
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Human adult female.

Simple device for the conversion of resources into trash.
The woman gave birth to a baby boy.

My wife has maxed my credit card on crap.
by Devadasi December 15, 2022
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