a word used between clergymen to infer that they are the biggest retatd in their profession
"Father Carmine is a pope tard"
by Davey Boy Jenks April 10, 2010
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A redneck hick, usually with 2 teeth, big beer belly who marries and reproduces with their cousin and thinks their college football team is gods gift to mankind which in reality is full of gangsters/thugs and bought players under the devil a.k.a nick "Lucifer" sabban

"Roll tide" has got to be the dumbest saying on the planet and why have a dumb ass elephant for a mascot.....idiots!
Will also claim championships they dont have
"Did you see that bama tard at the game yesterday"
-ya unfortunately, noone likes a bama tard!
by Koolcat55 May 18, 2019
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To be a member of tard class means you are retarded at PE.

Tard - also known as "Health Leader", is the name given to people in the tard class.

"You're in tard class cos you can't kick a ball"
by bob87218712 February 16, 2008
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Lane of a road where slow and ignorant drivers belong, the right lane. This includes any highway or city street.
This idiot just merged into the passing lane, and he's just doing the speed limit. He belongs in the tard lane.
by quitepedantic October 2, 2015
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someone hell-bent on performing self-destructive acts after a misfortune, despite requests to be reasonable
Don't hit your phone, you friggin destructo-tard. Just give it a second.

After wrecking his Mercedes, Bill either gained new great zest for life or became an utter destructo-tard, sleeping with anything that moved, and drinking enough to fell a horse.
by jarge20 September 25, 2010
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Someone who is blonde that is a dippy and usually is the center of attention in your group of friends .
That person at your party last night was such a dippy tard.
by Kangarooman521 May 29, 2018
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