To actually do whatever you’re talking about
Person 1: “I could totally shoot scratch on our golf course
Person 2: “ $100 says you can’t”

Person 1: “Well I don’t wanna….”
Person 2: “Cmon put your money where your mouth is
by Tate3223 April 10, 2023
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to jinx or put a curse on some person, thing or activity
"Ima put a three on that bitch. _Nothing's_ gonna work for her."
by primeridian February 21, 2012
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Damn bro! Denise is a straight freak! She loves it when I put it in the dirty!”
by Elvis Moran August 27, 2021
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1. Used when a guy is boasting or is too full of himself, to tell him he needs to get real and be more modest.

2. Used when a guy is too horny, to tell him he needs to cool down and stop thinking about sex. Cf. "take a cold shower".

I could pick up in 5 seconds every chick in the club!

Dude, put the dick away. That's too much!


Boy: You look so sexy tonight, wanna follow me to the restroom?

Girl: Put your dick away, you're sicko!
by Lukes*8 October 11, 2015
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the best person put on this earth is named damon, he is the best.
damn i talked to the best person put on this earth today.
by skateeefasstttteattttttcach December 3, 2018
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