Just like Goldie Locks, you have picked the perfectly right option of your desires. Whether your preference be dating, in a relationship or simply the talking stage, it is the perfect situation you and your partner are currently in. This is Goldie Locks Zone.

Included for men and women of all ages and of all stages in a relationship. This is where you and your partner feel the most joyful and satisficed at their stage of the relationship.
Justin: So Ryan, are you and Jessica a thing now?
Ryan: Bro. We are in the Goldie Locks Zone. We are both perfectly happy in where we are in our relationship.
by e56r6678 October 3, 2022
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The constant suffering of missing out on events, social interaction, or not being able to be with your friends in some way because by the time you are available everyone else has already gone to bed

You always wake up too late to say good morning to anyone, its noon for them
Pacific Time Zone Syndrome is a bitch. I just got back from school and its already 8pm for him
by tronytroo February 5, 2023
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When someone compares you to a rock, thereby ruining all potential chances at friendship and/or a romantic relationship. The worst of all situations to be in.
Poor Eden was rock-zoned by Caligula today.
by Caliga Simul Stamus November 5, 2016
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Basically its when a person completely stops fw with you in every way, shape, or form.

They leave you in a place where you are essentially dead to them.
" She left him in her Dead Zone
by factsofficial April 3, 2020
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Dread+red= dread meaning dead

When your phone reaches critical battery life. (When your battery icon is red)
My phone reached the dred zone and i panicked while hunting for my phone charger
by Gibbs13 August 30, 2014
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The armpit of a cute girl. It is very comfy for the boyfriend to lay in.
Whitley loves to lay in the cue zone of Snudder Girl
by Snudderboy55 February 18, 2021
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Person A:"I can put ALL the items in this danger zone chest of mine."
Person B:"I thought that was called a soaryn chest!"
by The Derpy Squid April 25, 2014
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