"Sharked them" is a term used when you use the shark emote on facebook chat.
Sharked 'em!
by SGAWTTRMAIMOR March 16, 2010
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When one becomes entirely zeroed in on one specific person/target/objective/etc with a predatory like focus. Unintentionally ignoring anything else important going on around them. Similar to what one might call getting tunnel vision. Individuals who are trigger happy are prone to getting shark eyes.
"Johnny got shark eyes when he pushed way too fast on the one enemy and didn't even notice the other player hiding who ended up killing him."
by Robohtman July 28, 2021
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What a chick looks like when she looks up at you sideways, as she's giving you head.
Joey : Damn, the head from Stacy last night was bomb!

Mike: Yeah, she was giving you the ol' shark eye?
by lane3192 March 22, 2018
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When you shit in a pregnant women’s mouth while punching her stomach and occasionally taking bites out of her boobs as you sing TMNT theme song.
That bitch wouldn’t shut up so I gave her the Muddy Mako Shark.
by zRozin January 27, 2021
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a hustler or very talented player at many trades
Guy 1: "Wow, you designed the whole project, and its website, AND pitched the sale to the company?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, I'm like a swiss army knife"

Guy 1: "More like a swiss army shark"
by swissarmyshark November 23, 2011
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