Ronald McDonalds autistic cousin who works at McFiddles.
Ronald McDonald: who in the mother fuck is you
riddled mcfiddled: h3yyyyyy gUYzzz y@ll w@n++ a LiL maK???//??
by aidetaut October 12, 2022
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A person who blindfolds another person and makes them smell or lick their feet
Person 1: My friend pulled a dirty riddle it made me throw up
by Daddy_maddy_fatty_patty October 1, 2021
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a tv show that is on pbs kids tvo kids and knowlage kids. it is almost 3 years old. man this show is getting old
xavier riddle is the best show ever made
by aydkeyrkd October 8, 2022
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Mouldy Voldy’s daughter who never met her dear ol’ dad; wanted to restore the timeline Scorpius Malfoy described as “HELL” just to meet her dad.
Sirius: Bella, you had a daughter!?
Bellatrix: Damn straight. Call ‘er Delphini “Delphi” Riddle, Padfoot.
Delphi: You’re my uncle Sirius?! Mum’s told me all ‘bout you…MUDBLOOD LOVER!
Sirius: Your dad’s a Mudblood; his dad, Tom Riddle Senior, was a muggle born wizard and his mum, Merope, was a witch, making him a Mudblood — a highly derogatory term referring to half-bloods and muggleborns. Also, Bella, YOU DARE USE MY
Pettigrew walks in
Peter Pettigrew: Yup, I did, Padfoot!
by QWERTY keyboard layout September 15, 2022
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ADJ. A convoluted approach to the sales process, often used in car or house sales. Often involves lying, misdirection and Mictaring.

Done by Riddlers.
He is riddling, he offered full asking now he wants 15k off for asbestos removal.
by Flash-collector June 17, 2019
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To be stupid. Not very clever, most likely to be lacking in intelligence
Jack Riddle, you're a total moron!
by mahimahi July 13, 2023
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A girl that likes to carry a Cat holder for a purse. She talks consistently and loves to talk junk. She lives in the middle of nowhere and thinks she is #1. But in reality she is just a little flower in a sea of dandelions. She is a very smart girl...when comes to books, but she is isn't the brightest crayon in the box...But she is my friend and I care about her.
Janny Riddle a Blonde haired, Blue eyed...young woman
by Nick Esposito January 4, 2008
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