Seris of sounds usually spoken when one is confused, didn't here properly or attempting to cause another person to laugh.
by Anonymous June 5, 2003
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a 'hu du fink u r?' situation mostly starts with the dick head in school who thinks im well cool everyone likes me but everyone secretley thinks they're annoying shits. so they're all getting up in ya junk, coming in ya face, squaring up to you
and being a general faggot so your getting angry and then this happens ....
Guy situation-
Faggot: man i woz bangin' ur burd last night she woz screamin' ma name so bad
You: well you blaitently weren't so stop chatting crap
Faggot: man if she's pregz its by me, you jellz?
Faggot: *shitz pants*

Girl situation

Faggot: I could make u so wet that you'd ave to change ya pantiez

You: yeah in your dreams dick'ed
Faggot: I'll meet ya round the bike sheds and we can *mimics hip thrusting*

Faggot: *faints*
by Geerat July 30, 2011
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basicly translates to who the fuck is this my nigger.
this was made up by me!!!
guy 1:you want a fight
guy2 talking to guy 3:hu the fuckizzle is thizzle ma nizzle!
guy 3:just a pussy punk ass nizzle
by lewis July 31, 2004
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a very famous saying by a Maldivian vocalist, Shaam Hushantey, during a live on Facebook which shows number of stingrays near harbour in Malé City. this went viral resulting in many memes.
Alifaanooi, Madi thakeh thoacheh. Huwa mi bunee. Shifaaz, you ah feneytha madi? Bayakoo Sorakoo Meehakoo Hus Madi. Manmaa, aharen maraifi. Hus Madi Hus Madi hain.
by kaleyamaafoolhu April 18, 2021
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a very famous saying by a Maldivian vocalist, Shaam Hushantey, during a live on Facebook which shows number of stingrays near harbour in Malé City. this went viral resulting in many memes.
"Alifaanooi, Madi thakeh thoacheh. Huwa mi bunee. Shifaaz, you ah feneytha madi? Bayakoo Sorakoo Meehakoo Hus Madi. Manmaa, aharen maraifi. Hus Madi Hus Madi hain."
by kaleyamaafoolhu April 18, 2021
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When you drop a friend/relationship out of nowhere without giving an explanation.
This guy is totally Kim Hu-ing me.”
by Fhdhfhjfjf February 17, 2018
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getting so drunk you take off your shirt
I got so hammered last night I almosted yar hued
by pclarkson February 20, 2010
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