An uncommon (inexistant) mis-spelling of the phrase, 'Shits and gigs'. Shit sand gigs could be interpreted as jobs done at dodgy beaches, shit jobs involving sand, or bad music at a beach boys cover band music festival.
-- Oh no, Tracy said we were just doing it for Shits and gigs, but she meant the upcoming beach boy cover band festival in central coast!

- That sounds like a vast array of shit sand gigs, as opposed to a bunch of laughs with the lads, a whole lot of banter and tom-foolery for the shits and gigs.
by onyamate July 14, 2020
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(Grass Is Greener on the other Side Syndrome) When chicks date guys, and then assume that guys start to see themselves in a better relationship, hence the term (grass is always greener)
Guy 1- Dude, look at that girls ass.
Guy 2- Dude, your girl has GIGS Syndrome!!!
by sabianboy14 February 8, 2011
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Gig Harbor is a very wealthy community in between the Key-Peninsula and Tacoma. The Key-Peninsula people and Gig Harbor children are stereotyped and are put at 2 different sides of the wealth spectrum. A Gig Harbor kid is one who has lived in Gig Harbor all their life. Their friend group is very tight and is booming in wealth all around. They are as cliquey as they come. The parents are always all friends and complain over every little thing on a Facebook page called Gig-Harbor-Town Talk. Gig Harbor children are known for good looks, money and... more money.
John- Holy crap, those guys all have yeezys on, thats lit!
Mike-Yeah, I know right. Just a group of Gig Harbor kids.
by 4417Brock October 3, 2018
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When some mofo tries to weeze all your juice and f up your flow when you're just tryin to live.
"Dude, my boss wants me to work over the weekend, taxin my gig hardcore".
by midine December 15, 2011
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My parents came home early from vacation and that harsh my gig, I had to cancel my party.
by the original not you July 8, 2015
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tough gig

A tough gig is defined as a gig that is tough
Me: I gotta sift through 3 piles of my own shit to find my fiancees wedding ring, really shouldn't have wolfed down those 3 plates of nachos so fast
Friend: tough gig
Me: yeah
by Watsindabox1 March 23, 2017
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when you dress/or do something that you would probably never do in your life again
Person #1: you should dress like that more often it looks good

Person #2: naw this was a one time gig


Person #1: ayy we should do shrooms again

Person #2: thats a one time gig for me dude
by a small person July 27, 2010
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