Aniyah Coleman is what you call a very unique individual with a big heart , but always try's to put up a tuff act . She is very beautiful , Melanin ofcourse but is some what antisocial other then that Aniyah Coleman is a friend you should always want .
by FromTheWise April 9, 2017
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Lover of TikTok, History & going to the gym and on walks in a tracksuit and then getting self conscious that she will get mistaken for a boy
Hi I’m Natasha Coleman mhm skskskks fr bro’
by KT-Urban October 24, 2023
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Jack Alan Coleman is a stupid nigger who thinks getting in everybody else's business is okay. He thinks he is mature but in reality he makes everything about him because he insists on being the center of attention. Mr Coleman has an online girlfriend, they have been online dating for a year now. He thinks just because hes kept a relationship with one girl for so long means every girl is the same way, forcing himself into situations that don't even involve him! Jack Coleman is disliked heavily by his peers at times, for very obvious reasons.
Person 1: You know Jack Alan Coleman?

Person 2: You mean that nosy british guy? yeah, he sucks!
by grxcemxrtin April 7, 2020
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a little chunkeroo who can’t catch a goddamn football
wtf john catch the ball stop being a tj coleman
by poopoo nigga December 2, 2019
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Gets called daddy by all his friends like Hugo and others and gets all the girls
Coleman gets called daddy
by Coleman Alvarez March 10, 2021
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