UHSPS is defined as a supernatural power and condition where a male produces an insurmountable quantity of precum. Most people will think it’s normal, however only those with UHSPS know that the amount in which they precum is anything but natural. Those with UHSPS usually experience the need for multiple underwear changes through the day and potentially public exposure as the amount will seep through multiple layers on underwear and pants. This phenomenon also begins at the initial thought of sex or arousal before the penis is fully erect, thus those with UHSPS can active their UHSPS with just the thought of their UHSPS. Those with UHSPS also are said to believe that lubrication is a foreign concept because they produce their own naturally. This makes those with UHSPS often sought out after by partners for their natural born gift of self-lubrication. Currently, there is no cure for UHSPS
Did you spill something your pants?

Oh no, that’s just my pre-cum I have Unrestrained Hyper-Testicular Secretion Production Syndrome (UHSPS).

When my ex was giving me a blowjob, he complained, “Sooooo leaky...” due to my UHSPS because he is a little bitch that doesn’t know what’s good for him.
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strength, courage, having balls

antonym: ovarity, Pat Shurmer
Joe: "Dude, Check out that chick at the bar"
Manly man: "Oh her? I banged her last week"
Joe: "Man, your testicularity has no bounds"

Madden: "4th and 24 on his own one yard line, and he going for it, now that coach has testicularity"
by Testicularus November 18, 2012
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n. etym. Lat. test-, c. 2008 in a USPTO Petition to Reconsider 1. Audacity, pluck. 2. Courage 3. Tenacity
The courageous young newpaper editor displayed conspicuous testicularity by taking on all of the well-connected mobsters leaders and exposing their corrupt control over the Police Chief.
by J. D. Obenberger July 28, 2008
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The hanging of a sack so low, that the sun follows its orbital pattern into a dimensional thermal stasis that prohibits the transformational solar rays for a maximum of 8 space seconds
by DaddyDommy August 13, 2021
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The moment you look at a fellow male and see him take testicular damage in any way, and you twist/straighten/move your body like you were the one taking the damage.

2.(Bro Code)
The moment you go '' UUuuuuuuuuuu'' when a homie gets hit in the dicc
*Sees a random guy get hit in the nuts*
Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk bro that hurt, testicular telepathy hits hard
by DefinitelyNotRain June 16, 2022
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When you stick your testicles in a girls vagina while they are on there period
Hey dude i just got the best testicular fireball ever from that one girl at the party
by Fuck me daddy papi March 8, 2019
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