He's got a REALLY small dick, but he thiccc as hell!! He has a heart shaped mark on this lower ass-cheek. He's a large cum-dumpster and fuckboiii. He also GAY AF.
Girl 1: Why you walkin' like dat??
Girl 2: I got fucked by Richard last night!
Boy 1: Me too! He ain't no shower, but he a growler...
Girl 2: I wanna get fucked by Richard!!
by That_dumb-ass_slut May 29, 2019
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A fagot. Usually has a small penis. All girls try to avoid him. He is very fucking unfunny. He usually has a bowl cut and is most likely to turn gay as an adult.
Ur such a fucking Richard you fag
by Prnijdd February 21, 2020
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Somebody who sleeps constantly without any breaks. Almost never puts lots of effort into anything. Usually has bad hair that takes forever to grow
by You’renotreallysure June 8, 2019
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Richard is the name for the ugliest mf there ever was, if you even get called Richard go home and never come out because it’s literally someone who smells so bad, can’t type for shit, gets no girls and literally can’t learn to shut the fuck it
Hey Richard, I hate you
by YeetusTheFeetus666 November 9, 2020
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A retarded loser that likes to annoy people. he likes pikachus and doras. he is mentally impaired with a scissor that gave him a contagious virus that is annoyance. he is 100% mentally challenged
by nqoonoqnoonoqnoooonno November 23, 2018
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To answer a question you have just been asked with the same question, but replacing the you pronoun with I and then proceeding to answer the question.

Ex: "Have you ever played ultimate frisbee?"

"Have I ever played ultimate frisbee?"
by jparouty September 19, 2018
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