fruitcake + pansy = pancake; term meaning a pansy who is also gay; gay man who is soft
Suck: "You're such a stupid pancake."
Dick: "Omg, stop teasing me about my sexuality. Ugh!"
by BrazNukl March 15, 2009
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Film industry slang term for an apple box that is simply a very strong, film industry-sized board, onto which various items can be attached, placed, or supported.
We need the actor to be about an inch higher, so just let him stand on a pancake.
by Ian Ragsdale October 14, 2005
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Smoking a joint or any type of hash related drug
smoking a pancake
Will you be smoking the pancake tonight at the party
by Smart ass blonde January 1, 2006
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A prank whereby a guy presses his scrotum against a glass object in order to make a round shape. The obverse of a pressed ham.
Randal did a pancake on the first floor door. The RA was upset.
by Bertal Guntz July 2, 2005
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1. of or refering to pot
YO! Fooo wat up my hommie g dawg biscut, you got any moe of da pancake dat I can somke.
by Nick October 14, 2004
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To ejaculate a large load on a partner's face.
Shelly punched Bodie after he unexpectedly pancaked and his batter stung her eye.
by Urbanuploader666 February 6, 2018
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