Rediscovering a childhood classic and going back to play it but finding out it's a pile of shit
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater was such a good game but it gave me Game Nostalgia Syndrome with it's inferior controls.
by Gamermemes_ November 18, 2016
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Feeling nostalgic for something you never experienced, watched or played.
"I miss the '80s"
"Bro, you were born in 1996"
"Phantom nostalgia, dude."
by MemberBerries1986 July 20, 2022
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A phenomenon experienced in Russia or people with Russian heritage (Usually also live a Slavic life style) when they forget everything but The Motherland. They can forget things including but not limited to basic involuntary functions including breathing, heart movements, eye movement and intestinal movement.
The Soviet Unions soldiers experienced a lot of Russian Nostalgia
by SloppyGoose June 20, 2018
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That one asshat who always appears on the chat board whenever a clip from a beloved classic movie or historical event is played, only to loudly boast how much better everything was back then, how men were more manly, women more womanly, and how everything that came after was just “woke” garbage, thus ruining the experience for everyone else.
“I tell you, they don’t make movies like this anymore. Now its all CGI, hack directors, and wokeness.”

This spake the nostalgia troll
by garcalej December 2, 2021
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When you annoy your children and others with exaggerated tales of your difficult childhood.
Bragging about how you walked five miles to school in two feet of snow, uphill both ways, is nothing but nostalgia malignancy.
by BayLeaves June 11, 2021
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Feeling Faux (Fake) Nostalgia for something like an old tv show that you feel Nostalgia for even though you have never watched it before.
Dude I feel Faux Nostalgia for the show "Backyardigans" even though I've never seen it before! (True story)
by ManBehind August 31, 2023
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Nostalgia is a VERY bittersweet feeling. You feel nostalgic when you do something or remember something that you grew up with, or something that is just from the past. It is a feeling that sorta makes you wanna cry but it also makes you feel really happy. But it can also make you feel anxious or sick to your stomach.
Andrew: Wow man, I visited the site “casual collective”. It gave me nostalgia.
Luke: yeah, I bet. That site was lit. Did you play the game “minions”?
Andrew: yeah! Wow. I’m very nostalgic Right now.
by Stale pop tart crust March 14, 2020
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